Wednesday, 24 December 2014

The Exam Itself

The Exam Itself

1) Planning your campaign

The first thing to do is read over, carefully, the entire exam paper. Spend a good ten minutes reading before you write anything. In this time, work out which questions you are going to answer, which order you are going to answer them in, and plan your time in the exam: how much time you are going to spend answering each question. Take careful note of the marking scheme (see later) when making this plan. Write down the plan on the back sheet of your answer book - you can always score it out later. It helps you feel in control, and that helps keep you calm.

Don't be tempted to do a question on subject X just because it's the subject you know the most about. It might be a real stinker of a question. Are you sure you can do it? Which parts can you do? How many marks do you think you could get on the parts of the question you can do? You might find there is another, much easier question on subject Y, which you might not have chosen because you found subject Y is harder, or because one part of the question looks really difficult. Work it out for each part of each question: which question is likely to get you the most marks? Do that one.

Reading the whole question is also important because many questions lead you through a problem - the answer to part a) is used in part b), etc. There might be clues in later parts of the question about what the examiner is expecting. Make sure you spot them.

As an examiner I am constantly amazed by students who set out to do questions that they've clearly got not the first clue how to do. Surely there would be another question on the paper that they could have got a few marks on at least?

When working out timescales, try and balance the time spend on a part of the question against the marks you will achieve. If it's a 90 minute exam, and it's marked out of 60, then on average you've got 1.5 minutes to get each mark. Plan time accordingly. Remember: exam questions are not about writing down everything you know about a topic - if you do this you'll almost certainly run out of time. You're trying to get the best mark you can on the whole paper, not just on the question you happen to be doing at the time.

Obviously, the plan (with timescales) is not a rigid one, and going a few minutes over on one question is OK – but try and catch it up if this happens.
2) Do the easiest questions first

There is absolutely no reason to do the questions in the order they are printed in the exam. I would recommend doing the easiest one(s) first.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, getting one question safely under your belt at the start of an exam is a wonderful boost to confidence, and can help reduce any feelings of panic that might arise when looking at the harder questions.

The second reason is that the easiest question is likely to take less time than the average. That means you’ll be ahead of schedule from the start – another good confidence boost. It also means that when you get round to the most difficult question, you are free to spend all the time you have left on it, without having to drop it half-way through and come back to it later, if time permits – not a good idea if it can be avoided.
3) Look at the marking schemes – there’s lots of useful material there.

We have strict marking schemes these days – it’s part of the drive to be seen to be fair. So, if there are four marks available for the description of XXX, then the marking scheme will probably have four key points. Mention them all, and you get the marks. Often, for a question like this, I will have a list of five or six points, and give one mark for each of them, up to a maximum of four. One thing you can be (reasonably) certain of: if you haven’t made four key points, you’ve missed something.

Don’t spend half-an-hour writing a long essay for two marks. People still do this. It’s a waste of time – better spent on other parts of the question.
4) One thing to try if you can’t quite get a derivation to work out (not entirely serious :-)
What you could consider doing in questions of the form “derive the result shown below” where you’re not sure of all the steps: start at the top of the page, state the assumptions clearly, and write down the equations where you’re going to start. About a page and a half later, write the result, and start working backwards from there. Where the two halves meet, write “Clearly,”

This gives the examiner a problem. Provided you’ve got the steps right, and the two halves almost meet up, it’s hard for him to know whether the missing step is clear to you or not. It might be. You could get the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, there is some risk here, if you have made a mistake, and your “clearly” connects two lines that can not possible agree. While the strict marking schemes we use these days make it hard to penalise students directly for this sort of thing, it will tend to put the examiner in a poor frame of mind, and he might start being less generous in marking other sections of the paper where he has some discretion.
5) Don’t get stuck. Move on.

Avoid writer's block, you haven't got time for it. If you get stuck on a question, move on. Start doing another one. Staring at a question you don’t know how to answer is a waste of time, and you’d be amazed how often, when coming back to a question after half-an-hour, it suddenly becomes clear.
6) Take a bottle of water in with you. Sip it slowly throughout.

It’s a good way of remaining calm. Also, you can get through a lot of nervous sweat during a hard exam. Your body will work better if you replace it. There is research that suggests this can make a significant difference to your grades
7) Use common sense.

Even if you don’t have time to go back and find the mistake, at least write something to indicate that you know something. You might get some credit for that.
8) Always explain what you are doing.

Too many times I find an exam script where the student has written an equation with variables in it, and not told me what the variables represent. If the answer is right, then I can usually figure out what the variables must be, and the student gets the marks. But if the answer is wrong, then sometimes it's impossible to work out what they were supposed to be. In this case the students gets zero for an incomprehensible answer.

9) If you're running out of time.

Suppose you've got time left to do one question, but two questions left to do. Which one do you choose? The way to maximise your marks is to do the first half of both of them. You gain marks faster at the start of a question than at the end.

If you don't have time to write sentences, but you do know what to do, then just write bullet points. You can get marks for method.


December 14 2014

The Last 24 Hours

The Last 24 Hours

1) Don’t be tired.

If you have to stay up all night to do last minute revision, you’ve already failed. It doesn’t work – you end up so tired in the exam you can’t work anything out. It might work for the first one or two exams in a year, but you won’t be able to keep it up throughout a whole series of exams.
2) Eat protein before long exams – not carbohydrates.

An exam is just as much a physical exercise as a race. Well, OK, perhaps not quite as much, but you can’t ignore your body if you want your brain to work at its best. Stuffing it full of sugar, or some Red-Bull type drink just before will work fine for the first hour or so, but by the end of a three-hour exam you’ll have completely run out of energy. You need some food that will slowly release energy. Try fish or eggs.
3) Get the important facts into short-term memory.

In the last 24 hours it's too late to try and understand anything new. What you can do is cram some facts into short-term memory. This is the time to go through the notes looking at those "key points" sections. If you haven't already done it as part of your revision (and you should have done it), write out a sheet with just the key facts. See how many you can remember. Then write out another sheet with just the ones you forgot. See how many you remember now. Continue until you've either remembered it all, or run out of time.

Also, read through your worked solutions for the last three year's papers. Then, get a good night's sleep, or go for a walk and get some fresh air into your lungs.
4) Exercise - get the blood pumping round.

In the last couple of hours, go for a run, or work out in the gym. Seriously. Studies have shown that the most creative periods come after a period of exercise, and that the benefits of taking exercise can last for up to two hours. Exams aren't just about memory, you'll need your brain to be in top working condition.


December 14 2014

Preparing for an Exam

Preparing for an Exam

1) Revise actively.

Just reading through your notes is the worst possible way to revise. Well, OK, perhaps not the worst possible, but it’s really not very good. The more of your brain you can engage in the revision, the more you will remember. Memory is not a box in one part of your brain that things are either in or out. Memory is spread out everywhere: there’s verbal memory, visual memory, audio memory, muscle memory, all sorts. The more your brain does with the information, the more you will remember.

So don’t just read. Make up poems and mnemonics. Summarise the notes. Set them to music. Extract key points and write them down yourself somewhere – even if you’re just copying them out, this is better than just reading, since more of your brain is involved. Make up quizzes and do them. Write limericks. Above all – do problems. Make up your own if you run out. Get active!
2) Plan revision.

Write a good revision plan, and stick to it. Don’t do just one subject a day, you’ll get tired of it; then again swopping too often means you don’t get the chance to get deep into anything. I used to do mornings on one subject, afternoons on another and evenings on a third.
3) Do past papers – as many as you can lay your hands on.

The internal web has (at least) the last three year's papers on it. Papers from previous years are stored in the library (at least that used to be true - it's worth checking if they still have them). Work through them. If you can't do a question, check that it is still in the syllabus (the modules change every year, and it's always worth checking what is new). With a good revision plan you should be doing nothing in the last week before the exams except working through exam papers and examples sheets making sure you can do them.

I can’t emphasise the importance of this enough. Anyone who doesn’t work through past papers has very little chance of doing well in an exam.

Oh - and do the past papers, and the examples sheets, against the clock. Time is short in an exam, you need to get used to thinking, and writing quickly. Get your hand trained up so it can write fast (but legibly, please).
4) Question-spotting.

This can be risky, but if you're playing the percentages it's worth a try. Look for any topic that was in the exam two and three years ago, but not last year. If you can get hold of papers from further back, try and spot patterns: does any topic come up every other year, for example?

Another good tip is to make a very careful note if the lecturer says at any point "this is new in the course this year". If he does, there's an above average chance that this will be in the exam - it gets harder every year to come up with new questions about the same old subjects, and putting a new topic in the course is an easy "new question" for the examiner.


December 14 2014

How to prepare an assignment

How to prepare an assignment

1. Organize your major points in logical order. 
2. Every paper must begin with a summary introduction that tells the reader briefly what the paper's main points are. 
3. A summary conclusion is also useful, to remind the reader of the main points that have been argued, particularly in longer papers. 
4. Alert your reader along the way to your main points as you are making them.  
5. Try to stick to just one point in each paragraph. Don't start in on a totally new point in the middle of a paragraph. 
6 Be concise, avoiding digressions, filler, repetition, and redundancy.  Anything that does not contribute towards the argument, or the reader’s understanding of it, dilutes the effectiveness of an essay.
7. Avoid long quotations.  It is usually better to paraphrase others' arguments in your own words than reproduce them at length.
Format and Grammar
1. Avoid convoluted, run-on, pretentious sentences that are hard to understand and could be written much more straightforwardly. 
2. Use correct grammar and spelling. This is not an old-fashioned, pedantic requirement.
3. Use a simple format.  All papers should be typed, double-spaced, paginated (i.e., use page numbers), and be printed with normal type-fonts and margins.
4. Use standard citation formats.In OUM case, its APA.
Revise Your Paper
Re-read and revise your writing. To improve your writing you will want to read it critically, like most people and your professor will. But it is hard to read your own writing objectively, and writers are naturally very attached to words they’ve just put on the page. Taking a break will help you to get a clearer perspective on your own ideas and prose, to read your own draft as critically as if someone else had written it.
Try to finish a first draft at least a few days before the paper is due. After taking a break from it, review the guidelines in this memorandum (the editorial check-list below might be useful), and re-read your draft from beginning to end, marking passages that need to be moved, removed, or improved.


September 28 2014

Writing an Essay

Writing an Essay
Essay questions, term papers, “take-home” finals, research papers, and project reports are standard components of most political science courses. Professors may ask students to write an essay as part of a mid-term of final exam, or to hand in extended papers completed outside class that have required substantial research in the library or elsewhere. These kinds of assignments not only give professors a chance to evaluate your skills as a writer and as a critical thinker – two skills that you should take away from any university course – but they also provide the opportunity for you to reflect seriously on particular issues and to use your creative powers to address fundamental conceptual questions in the study of politics. In other words, essays, term papers and other written assignments give you the chance to “get your hands dirty” by grappling with the same broad questions that inform the work of professional political scientists. Writing essays and papers allows you to think long and hard about such critical issues as: What is democracy? What makes people vote for Party A and not for Party B? Do ideas affect the way people behave politically? Why do revolutions occur? How do states interact in the international arena? What determines the shape of a state’s foreign policy? Why do countries go to war?
In tackling essay-writing, especially in the “essay question” section of exams, students often face three problems:

First, some students may feel that they just don’t know where to begin. “How can I answer a question that’s so broad? I just don’t have enough information.”
Second, even if they feel they know something about the subject, they may wonder how to organize the information in order to present a coherent and convincing argument. “How do I begin to put together all the various pieces to the puzzle so that what I say makes sense?”
Finally, students may be unsure about the relationship between the presentation of factual information and the expression of their own views on the issue at hand. “The professor never told me whether he wanted me to repeat what he had said in class, or if he was just looking for my opinion.”
Below are some general guidelines on how to deal with these troubling questions, especially in the area of writing answers to essay questions on exams. Clearly, professors have their own individual – and sometimes idiosyncratic – views on the place of essay-writing and other written assignments in university education. But the ideas below should help you begin to assess how you should approach essays, term papers and other assignments that require both extensive writing and serious reflection on important conceptual issues.

Start at the Beginning

When you first read an essay question on an exam (or begin to think about an assigned topic for a term paper or take-home final), you should ask yourself two sets of questions:
1. What does the essay question really say? What kinds of issues is it asking me to address? What assumptions underlie the question itself?

Professors ask essay questions for a reason. They use essays as a way of getting you to go beyond the material presented in class and in the required readings for the course. They intend for you to reflect critically on the information you have read, assess its validity, think about its implications, and use it creatively in order to answer the question that has been posed. So, when you encounter an essay question, spend a few minutes thinking about what the question really asks, and make sure that you have a clear idea of the kinds of issues and concepts that the question is trying to get you to address.

2. What are the most useful sources of information on which I can draw in order to answer the question? What kinds of data will best support my argument?

During any semester-long course, you will encounter a huge amount of information, both factual and conceptual. Many students treat essay questions as “dumping grounds” for the information that they acquired in the days and weeks preceding the exam. They pile on fact after fact, concept after concept, date after date, name after name, with little thought about whether all this information helps them answer the question. “If I throw in enough stuff,” a student may say, “at least the professor will know that I’ve been paying attention.”

Wrong. The professor will know that you have managed to cram a great deal of irrelevant information into your short-term memory. But whether you have really thought about the issues at hand and used the knowledge you have gained in order to reflect critically on an important question will remain a mystery. So, after you feel that you understand the kind of response that the essay question is trying to elicit, ask yourself about which bits of information will be the most relevant to your response. Don’t try to throw everything into the pot. Be selective. Use those facts and ideas that are most helpful in supporting your overall argument. After doing the reading and attending the lectures, you do have enough information to answer the question effectively. What is crucial, though, is to organize the information and to present it in a way that buttresses the main theme of your essay.

Organization Is Everything

Because they have not stopped to ask themselves the questions above, many students plunge right into an essay without thinking about how to organize their thoughts. “If I just get enough stuff down on paper,” a student might argue, “then the professor will at least know that I’ve tried to answer the question.” Wrong again. The professor will know that you are a wind-bag – not that you have thought seriously about the question.
Once you are sure that you know what the question is asking and have spent a few minutes reflecting on the kinds of information that you want to use in attempting to answer it, spend a further few minutes sketching out the form that your answer will take. Here are a few ideas on how to begin:

Make an Outline

Sketch out how you plan to structure the essay. You can even use the exam booklet or the back of the exam in order to write a brief outline, flow chart, diagram, or whatever form you find the most helpful in organizing your thoughts. The important thing is to have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you are going to say it – before you begin writing the essay itself.
There is an additional advantage to writing an outline or essay plan: It may turn out that you simply budgeted your time poorly and did not have time to complete the entire essay as you had planned. But if the professor sees that you had a clear idea of what you wanted to argue, you are likely to receive at least some credit for what you have written. On the other hand, if you have managed to fill up a dozen pages without making a coherent argument, chances are that the professor will remain relatively unimpressed.

Keep It Simple

Think back to eighth grade composition class. Remember the “three-point enumeration” essays you probably had to write? They consisted of an opening paragraph, three further substantive paragraphs and a conclusion. The opening paragraph set out the general ideas you were going to explore, the three following paragraphs expanded on each of those ideas, and the final paragraph wrapped up what you had said.
The same format – with perhaps some modifications – can be used to write responses to essay questions.

Opening sentence and first paragraph: State clearly the main point that you wish to make in the essay. In other words, someone should be able to read the first sentence and know exactly how you plan to answer the question. Don’t try to be too cute, but a catchy opening sentence which states simply and clearly the line of argument you intend to take is always desirable. Other sentences in the first paragraph should then support the first sentence and sketch out the ways in which subsequent paragraphs will expand on the theme of the essay itself.
Body of the Essay: For normal essay questions on exams (say, those in which you have an hour to complete two essays), you should have no more than three or four paragraphs in the body of the essay. Each paragraph should make a clear and discrete point, and that point should support your overall argument. If it doesn’t, don’t write it. Your thoughts in the body of the essay should follow on logically from the points you set out in the opening paragraph. And each paragraph should begin just like the opening paragraph, with a clear statement of the topic that the paragraph will address.
Concluding Paragraph: Sum up what you have said in the essay in a final paragraph. Remind the reader of your main point, but avoid repeating it in exactly the same words. End the essay with a sentence that wraps up your thoughts and leaves the reader with a sense of closure.
Your Opinion Is More Than “Just Your Opinion”

Essay questions are not extended short-answer questions, and they are not exercises in penmanship. A professor puts essay questions on exams not in order to see if you can repeat verbatim what he/she said in class, but in order to solicit your informed views on a particular subject that you should have mastered in the course. In this sense, essay questions do ask for your “opinion,” but it is an opinion that should be intelligent, informed and well-structured. No conceptual questions in political science have “once-and-for-all” answers. Essay questions ask you to address important issues by using your brain – constructing a coherent, logical and informed view on a given topic. After sitting in a course of lectures and doing the required reading, you are more than capable of completing such a task. Your “opinions” should have evolved and become more sophisticated, and you should have developed a reasonable level of expertise in the main issues addressed during the course itself. Your “opinions” matter, for they were what your professor was trying to get you to develop all along.
Again, essays are not simply receptacles for regurgitated factual information. Your knowledge of facts can be assessed using multiple-choice questions, true/false, identify, define, short-answer and a range of other examination formats, most of which you probably experienced in grade school. At the college level, however, you are expected to think. And thinking requires creatively using the knowledge you have acquired to take a clear position on a contentious issue.

How do you do all that? Here a few guidelines:

Make An Argument. Take a stance. Stake out a position. Argue for a particular point of view. Simply reeling off dates and names – or even using political science jargon – will not do the trick.
Support Your Argument. Use relevant facts, concepts and other information to buttress the points you wish to make. Throwing in irrelevant information will impress no one. It will simply cloud your argument and convince the professor that you really don’t know what you’re talking about.
Be Creative. How creatively you make your argument is always important. Style matters. Some professors may even prefer essays that are well-structured and well-written but not particularly brilliant, to those that contain a truly original insight cloaked in language that would make Webster and Fowler turn in their graves. But be careful: Don’t get cute. Writing a sonnet or a short one-act play is probably not a good idea. You should, however, bring all your skills as a writer to bear on the essay topic. After all, that’s why the question is an essay question, rather than a true/false or short-answer.
Answer the Question. Let me repeat: Answer the question. If you write page after page of text, but never really address the issue at hand, few professors are likely to give you much credit. Always keep your overall point in mind, and make sure that everything you write relates back to your central argument. And that argument, in turn, should squarely address the question posed on the exam.


September 20 2014

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Ucapan perasmian Karnival Hari Keluarga & Anugerah Cemerlang SKCBW 2014

Ucapan perasmian yang disampaikan oleh Tuan Hj Ibrahim bin Abdul, Ketua Penolong Pengarah , Bahagian Pengurusan Sekolah Harian ,KPM mewakili YB P.Kamalanathan, Menteri Pendidikan 2 semasa merasmikan "Karnival Hari Keluarga & Anugerah Cemerlang SKCBW 2014" pada 15 November 2014. Terima kasih kepada Tuan Haji kerana memberi kepercayaan kepada saya untuk menulis ucapan ini.

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera

(Senarai nama VIP)

Barisan guru-guru, PIBG sekolah, Kumpulan Sokongan Ibu Bapa (KSIB), Ibu Bapa, anak-anak murid yang diraikan dan hadirin-hadirat sekalian

1.      Terlebih  dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana menjemput saya untuk merasmikan KARNIVAL HARI KELUARGA DAN ANUGERAH CEMERLANG SK CONVENT BWORTH 2014. Alhamdulillah dengan limpah dan kurnia Nya, kita semua dapat berkumpul dalam karnival yang gilang gemilang ini.

2.      Walau apa pun nama yang diberi untuk majlis seperti ini, yang pasti ia adalah satu majlis khas untuk meraikan pelajar-pelajar yang telah membuktikan kecemerlangan mereka dalam bidang akademik.

3.      Pada hari ini, peranan pendidikan telah berubah daripada fungsi asalnya. Murid-murid bukan sahaja datang ke sekolah untuk belajar semata mata tetapi untuk dididik sebagai pewaris negara agar menjadi modal insan yang berilmu dan berakhlak mulia.

4.      Sesuai dengan peredaran zaman, sistem pendidikan kita mestilah sentiasa dinamik dan progresif serta bersedia untuk melalui proses perubahan dan pembaharuan supaya kita dapat melahirkan murid-murid yang cemerlang dan kompeten mencapai standard antarabangsa.

5.      Sasaran membawa pendidikan negara mencapai standard pendidikan berkualiti di peringkat antarabangsa perlu digalas semua pihak. Pelbagai program diperkenalkan Kementerian Pelajaran seperti Sarana Ibu Bapa dan Sarana Sekolah sebagai tambahan kepada PIBG sebagai platform meningkatkan penglibatan ibu bapa dengan pembelajaran anak-anak serta menggalakkan penglibatan komuniti dengan sekolah.

6.      Inisiatif ini seperti yang termaktub dalam Laporan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025, merupakan salah satu daripada 11 anjakan strategik dan operasi menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualiti adalah melalui kerjasama dengan ibu bapa, komuniti dan sektor swasta secara meluas.

7.      Kerjasama yang ditunjukkan dalam KARNIVAL HARI KELUARGA DAN ANUGERAH CEMERLANG SK CONVENT BWORTH 2014 di SK Convent Bworth hari ini adalah satu contoh yang terbaik kerjasama.

8.      Gabungan PIBG, KSIB dan sekolah dapat membuahkan hasil yang sebegini gilang gemilang dan boleh menjadi model kepada sekolah-sekolah lain.

9.      Karnival sebegini juga dapat memberikan impak besar kepada anak-anak murid kita bila melihat ibu bapa sendiri bersungguh melakukan yang terbaik demi menjamin keselesaan murid dan merancang karnival sebegini yang semestinya akan memberikan kenangan yang terindah kepada mereka selain merapatkan lagi hubungan antara ibu bapa dan guru.

10.  Saya percaya sambutan pada hari ini adalah selari dengan matlamat memberi dorongan dan memotivasikan para murid agar terus berusaha untuk mencapai kecemerlangan dalam semua bidang.

11.  Diharapkan semoga program seumpama ini dapat berterusan pada masa-masa akan datang bukan sahaja untuk murid yang cemerlang tetapi juga yang kurang cemerlang tetapi ada peningkatan atau kemajuan.

12.  Anak-anak murid sekalian, segala ini hanyalah untuk menjamin masa depan anak-anak agar lebih cemerlang.

13.  Mungkin ada setengah pihak berkata, karnival sebegini besar akan membuang duit, tetapi apabila kita teliti semula, karnival besar sebegini boleh memberikan isyarat kepada semua pihak termasuk pihak korporat tentang keadaan sekolah yang mana akhirnya boleh membuka mata semua pihak untuk menyumbang kepada sekolah.

14.  Seorang tokoh ilmuwan Islam, Ibnu Rusyd, pernah menukilkan, "Kepuasan yang sejati lahir daripada keabadian bersama". 

15.  Dalam hal ini, semua pihak hendaklah berganding bahu dan mengatur langkah berusaha untuk merealisasikan sebuah kejayaan.

16.  Hasil gabungan kerjasama mantap yang terjalin antara PIBG, KSIB dan sekolah bak kata peribahasa ‘seperti aur dengan tebing’ adalah satu hubungan yang berasaskan rasa tanggungjawab bersama, saling memerlukan dan sentiasa menyokong antara satu sama lain akhirnya akan mencipta satu jaringan yang menjadikan kecemerlangan akademik yang tinggi sesuatu yang mudah digapai.

17.  Akhir kata, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan sekali lagi mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada PIBGKSIB dan pihak sekolah kerana berjaya bergabung menjalin kerjasama untuk menganjurkan KARNIVAL HARI KELUARGA DAN ANUGERAH CEMERLANG SK CONVENT BWORTH 2014.

18.  Juga tidak lupa setinggi-tinggi syabas dan tahniah kepada semua pelajar-pelajar cemerlang sekolah ini.

Digerak oleh iltizam mencapai kecemerlangan, saya dengan lafaz 

Sekian. Wabillahitaufik walhidayah was­salammualaikum warahmatullahi wabara­katuh dan salam sejahtera.

Thursday, 29 May 2014



Berlaku pada kawan seorang. Kawan sy seorang ni AJK PIBG satu sekolah. Pagi ini beliau terima satu panggilan dari seseorang yg mengaku bapa kepada salah seorang murid di sekolah tersebut. Pemanggil tersebut hendak menyumbang sebuah komputer baru kepada pihak sekolah melalui PIBG. Pemanggil mengaku kerja di Kastam Malaysia. Setelah ditanya tentang pekerjaan, si pemanggil mengaku bekerja di Jabatan Kastam. Kemudian offer utk menjual beberapa barang pampasan kastam dgn harga murah. Samsung Galaxy S4, penghawa dingin dan Smart TV antaranya. Katanya kastam lelong hari ni tapi kena bank-in duit sebelum pukul 12.00 tengahari dan barang akan dihantar ke sekolah tersebut pukul 1.00 petang. Bila kawan sy dengar Smart TV dilelong dgn harga tak sampai RM1K, beliau terus bank-in duit. Pukul 1 pun datang dan pergi. Bila dicuba hubungi nombor pemanggil tersebut, tak berjawab. Barang kemana, duit melayang. Akhirnya buat laporan polis.
Jadi kepada semua kawan2 fb, berhati-hati dgn tawaran2 yg indah bak pelangi ni. Jangan tertipu. Stay safe.


Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Hari ini Admin nak ajak semua membaca sedikit.
Admin teringat satu kisah yang selalu diceritakan oleh Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop. Admin pasti ramai yang ingat kisah ini.


Kisah benar ini berlaku satu petang dalam September 1953 di sebuah gerai di kampung bernama Ujong Batu Bagan Dalam,Pulau Pinang. Pada masa itu orang akan menyeberangi sungai menggunakan sampan ke Prai untuk menaiki keretapi ke Kuala Lumpur. Dan kebiasaannya mereka akan berhenti di gerai minum untuk melepaskan lelah.

Pada petang itu , seorang lelaki berpakaian 'bush jaket' dan bersongkok duduk dan berbual-bual dengan pemilik gerai bersama tiga tetamu lain.

Sambil menghirup kopi, beliau berjenaka untuk menggembirakan semua orang dan bercakap mengenai keadaan politik ketika itu sebelum meminta diri dan menaiki sampan untuk meneruskan perjalanannya.

Siapakah lelaki itu?

Beliau tidak lain adalah Tunku Abdul Rahman. Tunku pada masa itu, telah menjadi Presiden Umno . Beliau telah dilantik Ketua Menteri pada tahun 1955 dan kemudian menjadi Perdana Menteri pada Ogos 1957.

Dan siapakah pemilik gerai itu?

Beliau adalah Yakcop bin Mydin, Allahyarham ayahanda Tan Sri Nor Mohamed

Sejak dari hari itu beliau akan bercerita mengenai kisah Tunku Abdul Rahman telah singgah di gerai beliau kepada semua pelanggan, kadang-kadang berulang-ulang kali.

"Sepanjang sembilan tahun perkhidmatan saya sebagai menteri dari Januari 2004 hingga Mac 2013, saya sering pergi ke Ujong Batu untuk majlis-majlis rasmi dan setiap kali itu juga lah saya teringat kisah ayah saya itu.

Setiap kali itu juga, saya terfikir 'Adakah pernah terlintas ayah saya bahawa anaknya ini, yang ketika itu berusia enam tahun, akan menjadi menteri satu hari nanti?'

Pada zaman itu, harapan seorang bapa untuk anak-anaknya hanyalah menjadi seorang guru, kerani atau pembantu hospital.

Apabila Perdana Menteri, pada masa itu,  Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi melantik saya menjadi seorang menteri, ia adalah sesuatu yang saya tidak pernah bayangkan boleh berlaku walaupun di dalam mimpi saya"

Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop selalu mengingatkan semua agar sentiasa bersyukur dengan segala nikmat-nikmat yang Allah telah dilimpahkan kepada negara ini dan sentiasa menghargai titik peluh dan air mata nenek moyang kita dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Malaysia dan membina negara tercinta kita ini.


Sumber :
Nor Yakcop – the perfect host
Azman Ujang 15 July 2013

Edit dan alih bahasa: Admin (PJ)

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Rusuhan Di DUN


YB Dato Jahara Binti Hamid meminta maaf bagi pihak pemuda atas tindakan di DUN semalam. Tapi Lim Guan Eng berkata beliau tidak akan layan sebarang gesaan agar YB Rayer meminta maaf dan menuduh bahawa UMNO yg tak pandai kawal ahlinya.
Lim Guan Eng cuba spin kesalahan tu kepada UMNO.
Wahai Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, kami bertindak hanya ekoran YB dari parti anda yg tak pandai jaga mulut, bukan saja2 nak merusuh masuk. Apa tindakan anda apabila kami men'celaka'kan parti atau bangsa anda?
Kalaupun anda benci dgn UMNO, tolong jaga mulut. Jangan sampai gunakan kata kata yg boleh menyinggung perasaan org lain.
Jangan tuduh kami mencemar kemuliaan dewan dgn merusuh masuk kalau anda terlebih dahulu mencemar kemuliaan dgn menggunakan perkataan2 yg tak sepatutnya digunakan.
Seorang YB tak sepatutnya mengungkapkan kata kata sedemikian walau dimana saja. Gain respect by giving respect.
Ingat kalau anda boleh, kami pun pun lebih dari boleh.

Surat Terbuka Untuk PM

Surat Terbuka Untuk PM

22 May 2014 at 01:44

YAB Perdana Menteri yg dikasihi.
Terlebih dahulu saya memohon maaf sekiranya email saya ini mengganggu situasi YAB Dato Seri. Saya juga memohon maaf sekiranya kandungan email saya ini tidak disenangi oleh YAB Dato Seri.
Tujuan saya menulis ini hanya kerana melahirkan rasa kebimbangan kepada situasi politik di Malaysia lebih lebih lagi di dlm UMNO.
Saya hendak menyentuh sedikit tentang calon Pakatan Rakyat utk PRK Telok Intan. Walaupun saya orang UMNO, tetapi dalam hal ini saya terpaksa akui dgn tindakan DAP meletakkan calon semuda Dyana Sofya yg berumur baru 27 tahun itu. Umum tahu beliau adalah anak bekas org UMNO. Tapi kenapa beliau dan keluarga beliau beralih arah ke DAP. Jawapannya mudah, beliau kecewa dgn UMNO. Sepertimana ucapan beliau bahawa beliau tidak mungkin dapat merasa jadi calon didalam UMNO.
Mahu tidak mahu, kita kena akui inilah yang berlaku dlm UMNO. Paling tidak di dalam UMNO, kami cuma berpeluang menjadi setiausaha cawangan. Semua yang berusia sahaja diberi peluang utk menonjolkan diri. Individu yg muda tak diberi peluang utk menonjol diri. Kalau ada seorang individu yg mula menonjol diri dlm UMNO samada cawangan atau bahagian, individu tersebut akan dicantas oleh 'org lama' dalam UMNO. Ini jugalah yg berlaku kepada saya. Saya diboikot dlm cawangan oleh ketua cawangan saya kerana saya cuba menonjol diri sebagai ketua pemuda cawangan. Malah diperingkat bahagian, saya terbuang hanya kerana saya dilihat boleh mengganggu ketokohan ketua bahagian. Keadaan bertambah buruk, sampaikan satu program pun tidak diberitahu kepada saya selepas dapat tahu saya kini menyambung pelajaran dibidang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Politik di OUM. Saya bekas pegawai di Pusat Khidmat Ahli Parlimen Tasek Gelugor, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop. Selepas Tan Sri tak bertanding sy berkhidmat di UMNO Bagan dibawah Datuk Latiff Mirasa, kini dah jadi org terbuang di UMNO bahagian saya sendiri. Saya yang dulu berkhidmat utk masyarakat dibawah Pusat Khidmat YB BN dan dibawah UMNO bahagian, kini tinggal tercari cari arah.
Ramai lagi anak muda kita yg sayangkan UMNO, tapi semua kecewa dgn pimpinan UMNO diperingkat negeri, bahagian atau cawangan. Diperingkat pusat melaungkan transformasi, berjayakah transformasi tersebut jika diperingkat negeri, bahagian dan cawangan tak amalkan transformasi tersebut? Anak anak muda mcm kami, dilingkungan umur 25 ke 40, hanya dijadikan tukang pasang bendera pada masa PRU. Selebihnya suara kami tak diambil peduli.
Berbalik kepada calon DAP Teluk Intan, PR berani ambil risiko dgn mencalonkan calon muda, samada beliau dimana saya sebagai belia nampak peluang cerah beliau. Adakah beliau akan terus kekal menjadi org suruhan DAP atau akan jadi wakil rakyat bebas satu hari nanti, kita tak tau. Tapi beliau mampu bawa pembaharuan. Inilah pembaharuan yg kita perlukan didalam UMNO. Golongan belia diberi peluang utk melangkah jauh. Pada masa sekarang dibawah UMNO hanya ada sayap pemuda, parlimen belia dan belia4B. Tapi percayalah YAB Dato Seri, semua tu hanya sekadar nama. Pemuda UMNO tak memberi peluang yg cukup kepada golongan belia. Hanya org org tertentu sahaja dapat naik. Parlimen Belia hanya tinggal sebagai satu aktiviti. Belia4B pula terikat sekadar cakap kosong. Semua ini tak memberi peluang kepada ramai lagi belia yg mempunyai kebolehan yg sepatutnya. Di peringkat cawangan, bahagian mahupun negeri, semuanya dikawal oleh 'org lama' yg kononnya makan garam lebih. Kami golongan muda dilihat sebagai bayi yg masih mentah. Belia ditinggal sebagai aset memanjat tiang memasang bendera PRU dan dibiar melalak didalam media sosial sedangkan belia mcm kami lah yg banyak mempertahankan negara dan UMNO dimedan IT.
Apa yg kami perlukan diberi peluang sama utk memimpin, kerana ramai dikalangan kami mampu memimpin di dunia yg serba teknologi ini yg mana pada masa kini, kebanyakan pemimpin 'org lama' mengganggap teknologi tak membantu.
YAB Dato Seri, sebagai Bapa Transformasi, diharap dapat mentransformasikan UMNO, bukan keseluruhan, tapi walau sedikit, serapkan golongan belia mcm kami kedalam kepimpinan secara aktif, malah mungkin sebagai calon2 PRU, supaya UMNO kembali dapat menarik sokongan muda. Saya risau dgn tindakan terbaru DAP yg berani mencalonkan org muda dan melayu ini boleh menyebabkan ramai lagi anak melayu tertarik kepada DAP.
Tidak dinafikan PR menggunakan ramai khidmat org muda berbanding BN yg masih kekal dgn 'org lama'. Terguris hati bila baca kenyataan di facebook yg bergurau, kalau calon BN memang di telok intan, mungkin tahun depan kena buat PRK sekali lagi memandangkan usia calon kita yg agak berusia.
Terima kasih YAB Dato Seri kerana meluangkan masa membaca tulisan saya yg panjang ini. Maaf saya pohon andai apa yg saya katakan ini mengguris hati YAB Dato Seri.

Yang Benar,
********* (jebat)
-Dulu, kini dan selamanya berdiri, bergerak dan berfikir sebagai bangsa 1Malaysia-

Hari Ibu.

Hari Ibu.

14 May 2014 at 03:56

Hari Ibu.

Sempena hari ibu hari ini dimerata tempat org mengucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu.

Tetapi ada seorang ustaz celebriti yg keluarkan kenyataan sambutan hari ibu adalah berkaitan ibu gereja atau mother church.

Bukan niat saya nak pertikai kenyataan seorang Ustaz. Ini adalah pendapat saya semata mata.

Artikel Mothers Day wikipedia menyebut hari ibu yg disambut adalah sebagai menghargai jasa dan pengorbanan ibu dan hubungan keibuan.Mothers Day bermula pada awal kurun ke 20 di US dan tiada kaitan dgn Cybele oleh Greek, sambutan Hilaria oleh Roman dan sambutan Mothering Sunday oleh Kristian yg telah disambut beribu tahun lampau. Perlu diketahui Mothering Sunday adalah sambutan mother church dan sesetengah negara seperti UK sambutan Mothering Sunday diringkaskan ke sebutan Mothers Day.

Sambutan hari ibu dan hari ibu gereja adalah dua sambutan yg tetap berbeza walaupun di setengah negara seperti UK ianya disambut seperti hari ibu biasa.

Ada juga orang mengatakan tak perlu hari ibu kerana islam menuntut kita mengingati ibubapa setiap hari.

Dalam hal ini pendapat saya, kita mengingati ibubapa setiap hari malah kita doakan ibubapa 5 kali sehari didalam doa selepas solat. Ada perbezaan antara mengingati dan menyambut sehari yg istimewa bersama ibu. Setengah org tinggal jauh dari ibu, setengah pula setiap waktu sibuk bekerja. Jadi sekurangnya dengan ada sambutan hari ibu, org sebegini akan cuba mencari masa utk dihabiskan bersama dgn ibu.

Walau apapun pendapat, bagi saya, kita di Malaysia, menyambut hari ibu sebagai hari menghargai jasa dan pengorbanan ibu sepertimana juga dgn hari lahir kita. Kita disini menyambut utk ibu kita sendiri dan bukan kerana mengikuti sambutan agama lain. Kita sambut dgn cara kita sendiri dan tidak mengikuti cara mana2 agama. Dgn menyambut hari ibu kita tidak naik saksi dgn ketuhanan agama lain. Selagi apa yg kita buat tak menyalahi syariat dan membatalkan akidah selagi itu sambutlah bersama ibu tercinta.

SELAMAT HARI IBU kepada semua ibu ibu dan bakal ibu ibu.-jebatsobri-

Written speech as a training manager for Oral Comm Assignment at OUM

Written speech as a training manager for Oral Comm Assignment at OUM

14 May 2014 at 03:46

Hello everyone, welcome to KFC. I’m Jebat, your Training Manager. It’s good to see all the fresh faces looking up to me here. Today I will tell you something about KFC, our KFC.First of all, we travel back to when KFC founded.KFC was founded by Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great Depression. Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first "Kentucky Fried Chicken" franchise opened in Utah in 1952. KFC popularized chicken in the fast food industry, diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the hamburger. By branding himself as "Colonel Sanders," Harland became a prominent figure of American cultural history, and his image remains widely used in KFC advertising. KFC was one of the first fast-food chains to expand internationally, opening outlets in England, Mexico and Jamaica by the mid-1960s. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the chain continued to expand overseas, by the early 70's, that special recipe reached Malaysia and in 1987 KFC became the first Western restaurant chain to open in China.The company has continued to grow in Asia, South America and Africa. The chain has expanded to 18,000 outlets across 120 countries and territories, with 4,400 outlets in China alone, KFC's most profitable market.KFC's original product is pressure fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders' recipe of 11 herbs and spices. The constituents of the recipe represent a notable trade secret. Larger portions of fried chicken are served in a cardboard "bucket," which has become an icon of the chain since it was first introduced by franchisee Pete Harman in 1957. Since the early 1990s, KFC has expanded its menu to offer other chicken products such as chicken fillet burgers and wraps, as well as salads and side dishes such as French fries and coleslaw, desserts and soft drinks. KFC is known for the slogan "finger lickin' good," which has since been replaced by "Nobody does chicken like KFC" and the latest "So good."

Ok now I want to fly you back to Malaysia.The first KFC restaurant was opened in 1973 on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Today there are more than 600 KFC Restaurants nationwide and still counting. Great tasting chicken has become synonymous with KFC; and has been enjoyed by Malaysians ever since. In fact, KFC Malaysia has developed a distinctive Malaysian personality of its own.KFC Malaysia is an establishment that is run by Malaysians and managed by Malaysians; KFC Malaysia took it upon ourselves to create a selection of food that would make Malaysia proud on the international scene. KFC Nuggets, for example, was conceived in Malaysia and then found its way to KFC worldwide. Today, KFC Nuggets is one of KFC's successes."Meals on Wheels" was also developed in Malaysia. It was created for the purpose of bringing great tasting chicken to places where a KFC Restaurant might not be available. So, any offices or companies can hold functions at any place and anytime!All KFC Malaysia’s achievements add to our Malaysian identity. But it has only been possible because Malaysian invited us to share lives.4 of KFC Restaurants are run by speech and hearing-impaired staffs that was designed to serve physically challenged individuals. They serve to dispel the myth that a disability impede a person from leading a normal life and gives them a sense of confidence and self-esteem. These 4 restaurants are located in Peninsular and East Malaysia. First is at Sentul Raya, in Kuala Lumpur, second is at Saujana, in Sarawak, the third is at Tanjung Aru, Sabah and 4th Johor.Today, KFC Malaysia continues to serve finger lickin' good, succulent pieces of chicken. The flavorful blends of 11 herbs and spices give KFC's delicious aroma. With the chicken's natural juices sealed-in, leaving a special mouthwatering taste that cannot be replaced. KFC prides itself as a fast-food restaurant that give customers great tasting chicken with a selection of home-styled side dishes and desserts to make a wholesome, complete and satisfying meal.

Enough on history let us fly back to our time here.Let’s us talk about you. What you get here in KFC Malaysia? What we offer at KFC Malaysia just for you. It’s just not how you work here but it’s about building your career here at KFC Malaysia. At KFC, all employees receive extensive training provided through using blended learning techniques that is e-learning, on-the-job and formal classroom. Training continues throughout everyone's career with the Company. So your career path that will meet your learning needs at every level. Perhaps you've only thought as far as getting a job at KFC or maybe you've considered the job as a means to develop your skills. Whatever the case, you'll soon find that you can achieve so much more from a career with KFC. The training and skills acquired through KFC will be a great benefit to you now and in the future.Many of KFC Area Managers and Training Managers started as Team Members and have progressed through the levels of Shift Manager and Restaurant Manager to get where they are today. KFC provide the opportunities and support to help you succeed.KFC’s Retail Traineeships, are designed to combine work experience with workplace training and will prepare you for the different facets of management.

You now start as a Trainee from either one of the three departments, which is CSC (Customer Service Center), the front desk staffs that responsible for working the service areas and ensuring quality product, service and cleanliness is delivered to all customers at top speed and with a smile! , Backup, the preparation staffs that responsible for putting the crunch in the coating and the zing in the Zinger and the Cook, who prepares and cook the irresistible KFC products! The cook must also maintain the cleanliness of the cooking area as well as the quality of product and speed of preparation.

You will be given various practical skills. After 3 months as a Trainee, you are certified as a Team Member. At this point you are now capable of run your department and you will get your first salary increment. Team Members are at the heart of restaurant. They're a big part of why KFC is such a great place to work. They deliver fantastic service as well as delicious food and we're proud of what they do. If you become one, you'll join a dedicated group of individuals who stick together to get the job done and have fun doing it. Your salary will be counted by hourly basis.

From now on, you are advised to master all the skills and procedure within the department so that you achieve the Star 1 level. Star level is KFC’s way to recognize your mastery in your work. Star level also gives you an increment. Now you are already completed your first step to build your career.All the Star 1 staffs are encouraged to move on to other department of your choice. And you will try to master all the procedure and skills in that department until you achieve the Star 2 level and again move to last department. The process will be the same, you will try to master the skills and procedure until you achieves the Star 3 level.

As you achieved your Star 3 level, you are already a senior staff in your restaurant and it’s time to move you to the supervisor of the store, the All Star. As an All Star staff, you will run the store by 70% in any department and 30% in store’s management. As you started out as a Team Member first. So you'll already know what the culture is like and how much fun you can have working at KFC. It's your responsibility to make sure you create the right atmosphere and that customers are greeted with a smile. You'll also play an important part in helping train and develop new team members. Sure, it's a bit more responsibility, but nobody is ever thrown in the deep end. All Stars get coaching before they start and they can always rely on their Managers for help. Your trainings will continue, but your trainings will cover the management of the store until you are ready to promoted to the first step of management level, the Shift Manager.The Shift Manager’s working basis will be 30% department and 70% management and you get the fixed salary monthly. Your working hours is not counted by hourly basis anymore. All Shift Managers participate in KFC Global Training curriculum which contains 40 core competencies. The training is designed and facilitated by accredited professionals internally and externally to ensure all Shift Managers gain the skills, knowledge and experience to operate restaurants.

Now we move on to another level of management that is Assistant Restaurant Manager Trainee (ARMT), the ARMT Responsible for assisting the Restaurant Manager and Assistant Restaurant Managers in creating an energetic and valuable work environment, which is committed to serving the best chicken at the fastest speed and with a smile. ARMT help with day-to-day running of the restaurant, and need to ensure that all operations, customer service, cash handling, marketing, purchasing, human resources, administration and training & development policies are followed. You now will get Attractive performance-based salary and bonuses reviewed quarterly for all Managers.

The next level in Management Level is Assistant Restaurant Manager (ARM). The ARM is responsible for assisting the Restaurant Manager (RM) in creating an energetic and valuable work environment, which is committed to serving the best chicken at the fastest speed and with a smile. ARM are also responsible for ensuring all Company policies and procedures are followed in relation to operations, customer service, cash handling, marketing, purchasing, human resources, health & safety, administration, training and development. Assistant Managers are sourced internally, so you will need to earn this position in the Company through promotion.Now the Final step in management level is Restaurant Manager (RM). The RM is accountable for creating and running an energetic and valuable work environment, which is committed to serving the best chicken at the fastest speed and with a smile.The RM reports directly to an Area Manager and is accountable for successfully implementing and maintaining all Company policies and procedures in relation to operations, customer service, cash handling, marketing, purchasing, human resources, health & safety, administration, training and development. RM are sourced internally, so you will need to earn this position in the Company through promotion.You are entering the whole new level in KFC. You are ready to enter the Executive level, the Training Manager.The Training Manager (TM) will have to assists with the establishment of an in-house employee training system that addresses company training needs assessment, new employee orientation, management development, production cross-training, the measurement of training impact and training transfer. TM will also assists with the implementation of the performance management system and with the selection and contracting of external training programs and consultants. Conducts Training Needs Analysis, consolidates results, assesses and recommends relevant interventions and designs appropriate training programs. TM also provides necessary education and materials to managers and employees including workshops, manuals, employee handbooks, and standardized reports and measures effectiveness of training programs through post-training evaluations.

Second level of executive level will take you to Area Manager (AM). These are the people who guide the spirit of KFC. Through their coaching and leadership they foster a culture of enjoyment, recognition and collaboration in every aspect of KFC’s business. AM inspire their teams to do a great job. But also learn from them too. As an AM you’re a great coach but an even better listener. So, much of your coaching has been gleaned first from the restaurant teams you work with. You'll be responsible for 8 to 10 restaurants and lead the management teams who run them, enabling you to spend quality times with your team as you coach and inspire them. So whilst you'll need to be commercially focused, you will also need to be creative in the way that you solve sometimes-conflicting challenges of managing budgets, driving sales and growing your teams. It's all about breakthrough thinking. This is a fast paced and exciting position, which for many, is the first step towards your next big job, which is Operation Manager, working in another part of the KFC business, or even in another part of the world.Last phase in your career will be the Operation Manager (OM).An OM plays role in ensuring that the day-to-day operations of a business run smoothly and responsible for ensuring that effective methods are put into place so that the company runs to its maximum productivity. The responsibilities of an OM include preparing budgets and inventories, and overseeing the supervision of employees. The OM will be expected to harness a working environment which encourages team work, energy and creativity. OM have strong leadership and excellent problem-solving skills along with good communication skills and requires ability to think on their feet and make quick decisions with little hesitation.

Work isn't enough on its own. It needs to be rewarding, it needs to be challenging and it needs to provide for a fulfilling career.At KFC we promote and encourage all of the above. We recognize individual contributions and reward them accordingly. We also offer exceptional training and qualifications to help you achieve the career you've always wanted.Work life balance. Having a job that allows you the flexibility to enjoy the things that life has to offer is a definite tick in the box. At KFC we work to live. We endeavor to make your working life just as worthwhile as life outside work. You can be yourself and enjoy a supportive culture that promotes camaraderie.As a KFC employee you'll be entitled to a discount on products. You'll receive a staff discount card detailing the discounts you can enjoy when you join the team.From the day you join us, we recognize every day you spend with us. The rewards vary from badges to acknowledge your years of service to framed certificates and special gifts to show we appreciate the significant milestones you've reached.The culture at KFC is an inclusive one. Everyone looks out for one another and gets along. Our people are our culture and that makes for a diverse mix of personalities and good times.The dynamic is such that you can be yourself, meet new people and find you enjoy going to work. You'll feel part of the culture, supported and encouraged, right from the beginning. If ever you have a concern, our Open Door policy means there is always someone available to speak to. If you want more from your career, you need only ask. And if you need to make time for something outside of work, our flexible hours will allow you that freedom.That's all for now. This is the story of our life at KFC. This is How We Win Together. Every single day at KFC will give the the best Moments of truth in your life. I hope that you too can achieve the height of success with us at KFC. So join the KFC band wagon and write your own success story. Thank you.




14 May 2014 at 03:42


"Over my dead body" is an English expression meaning there is absolutely no way a person will allow something.

Ungkapan ini lebih kepada membawa maksud selagi hidup, seseorang tu takkan membenarkan sesuatu perkara itu terjadi. Sebagai contoh selagi aku hidup aku takkan benarkan tanah itu dijual. Bukan tuan punya badan tu suruh langkah mayat dia bila dia mati.

Sekarang dirata-rata fb, perkataan ini dibuat bahan lawak utk ditujukan kepada mendiang tokoh DAP yg baru meninggal dlm kecelakaan jalan raya.

Cuba fikirkan sekejap dari perspektif keluarga beliau, walaupun anda membenci beliau kerana perbezaan politik, takkan benda2 camni nak dibuat bahan jenaka. Be matured. Sensitive lah sikit. Kaum keluarga tengah bersedih, kita jangan buat lawak menggunakan ayat2 yg pernah diungkapkan oleh mendiang atau dgn foto mendiang.

Islam tak mengajar begini, sedangkan kalau ada kucing mati pun setengah org boleh bersedih sampai menangis2. Roda hidup berputar ok. Jangan letakkan diri ditempat yg tak sepatutnya. Hormatilah yg sepatutnya hormati. Gain respect by giving respect. Bukan semua benda boleh dipolitikkan.

Kalau kita nak kata pihak satu lagi buat, takkan kita pun nak buat. Apa beza kita dgn pihak yg lain tu? Takkan kita nak letakkan diri serendah tu? Tunjukkan kita lebih baik dari pihak lain.

“Sesungguhnya telah lalu di hadapan Nabi s.a.w satu jenazah, lalu baginda bangun (untuk menghormati). Lalu diberitahu kepada baginda: “Itu jenazah seorang yahudi”. Baginda bersabda: “Tidakkah ia juga jiwa (insan)?” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).


Blue Wave Army.

Blue Wave Army.

14 May 2014 at 03:41

Blue Wave Army.

Tiba tiba selepas Dato Ahmad Maslan sebut nak tubuhkan Blue Wave Army (BWA), fb dipenuhi dgn groups dan pages yg menggunakan nama tersebut. Malah ada juga yg mengaku page mereka disupport oleh kementerian.

Pada pendapat sy, apa yg Dato Ahmad Maslan sebut tu sebenarnya, kita terus gunakan nama asal kita utk jadi cytro yg pro BN utk menangkis setiap fitnah RBA, bukan tubuhkan satu group khas yg menggunakan nama BWA atau meng'add' org dalam satu group khas. Sepertimana RBA, identiti ahli nya masih samar, bukan tunjuk jelas siapa ahli. Kalau dah tunjuk jelas, mana mungkin org awam yg pro PR nak dekat. Jadi kita dekati org awam tanpa mendedahkan identiti BWA.

Dekati org awam mcm biasa, tanpa perlu sebarang badge pengenalan, cuma kali ni kita ada guide utk bercakap, bukan bercakap ikut sedap mulut atau hentam kromo. Tanpa ilmu dan guide ini, akhir sekali yg jadi hanya bertengkar, bukan berdebat. Malah lagi teruk akan jadi caci hamun. Dekatilah dgn cara berhemah. Jangan terperangkap dgn provokasi setengah individu. Stick dgn apa yg diketengahkan.

Cuma harapan sy utk pihak Dato, kalau boleh BWA, biarlah ada satu guide yg boleh cytro kita ikut. Bila ada isu, kadang ada cytro kita yg takde sumber langsung. Sumber tu pula biarlah cepat, jangan tunggu berhari hari baru nak ada fightback utk setiap isu. Setiap hari yg kita lewat, isu fitnah dah meresap jauh ke minda org awam. Tengok saja contoh semasa PSY di Penang, yg jerit tak sokong tu hanya beberapa org, tapi bila fightback lambat dari pihak kita, benda sikit dah mula meresap jauh, kemudian jadi susah utk pihak cytro kita nak ketengah fakta.

Dan akhir sekali utk rakan rakan fb sekalian, jangan tertipu dgn beberapa groups dan pages yg menggunakan nama BWA yg kononnya dari kerajaan kerana dari pemantauan sy, sy dapati mereka ini pada mula nampak pro BN, tapi dlm halus mereka ubah ke arah satu lagi.

Teruskan berjuang, fahami dahulu fakta sebelum berdebat. Dan jangan termakan dgn provokasi. Fahamilah, memang itu tujuan mereka. Mereka provoke dan lompat topik utk menghilangkan fokus dan tumpuan kita.


40 Mind Blowing Quotes From Barack Hussein Obama On Islam And Christianity

40 Mind Blowing Quotes From Barack Hussein Obama On Islam And Christianity

14 May 2014 at 03:39

40 Mind Blowing Quotes From Barack Hussein Obama On Islam And Christianity

Ada org kata Mr Presiden US seorang kristian. Ada juga org kata dia seorang islam. Tapi hasil search dlm internet sy jumpa yg ni. Samada betul atau tidak hanya Mr Presiden dan Allah saja tahu.

20 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam and Mohammed

-1.“The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”-2.“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”-3.“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”-4.“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”-5.“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”-6.“Islam has always been part of America”-7.“we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”-8.“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”-9.“America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”-10.“I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”-11.“Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”-12.“So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”-13.“In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”-14.“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”-15.“Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”-16.“The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”-17.“I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”-18.“We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”-19.“That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”-20.“I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

20 Quotes By Barack Obama About Christianity and the Bible

1.“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”-2.“We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”#3 “Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith?”-4.“Even those who claim the Bible’s inerrancy make distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages – the Ten Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ’s divinity – are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.”-5.“The American people intuitively understand this, which is why the majority of Catholics practice birth control and some of those opposed to gay marriage nevertheless are opposed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. Religious leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they should recognize this wisdom in their politics.”-6.From Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope: “I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex—nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.”-7.Obama’s response when asked what his definition of sin is: “Being out of alignment with my values.”-8.“If all it took was someone proclaiming I believe Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins, and that was all there was to it, people wouldn’t have to keep coming to church, would they.”-9.“This is something that I’m sure I’d have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and prostelytize. There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.”-10.“I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of my religious makeup.”-11.“I don’t presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.”-12.“I’ve said this before, and I know this raises questions in the minds of some evangelicals. I do not believe that my mother, who never formally embraced Christianity as far as I know … I do not believe she went to hell.”-13.“Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God’s will–they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths.”-14.On his support for civil unions for gay couples: “If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount.”-15.“You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”-16.“In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology”-17.“On Easter or Christmas Day, my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.”-18.“We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own”-19. “All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra — (applause) — as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer. (Applause.)”-20. “I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”
